And even then, he doesn't appear all that often. However as they rarely appear anymore Jimmy has taken the role of Big Bad. Big Bad Duumvirate: Prince Fang and Toilet Toucher served this role, with Jimmy Casket making it a Big Bad Ensemble.When acting as Mario and Luigi, Venturian and Homeless decide that they're completely obsessed with eating pasta, and proceed to go on a rampage across town, claiming that everything is pasta and eating it.In the Waffle Gun video, Sally finally gets some waffles and constantly eats them throughout the videos entirety.Papa Acachalla, to a lesser extent, as this is played down in later videos. Sally constantly asks for waffles, while Maddie mentioned eating five buckets of popcorn in her first appearance. Beethoven Was an Alien Spy: Ronald McDonald was a spy in Russia with Abraham Lincoln and George Washington seeking out a mystical sword.This may have had an adverse effect on his sanity. Basement-Dweller: Spencer, subverted as they won't let him out.Goomba: *Immediately breaks out in laughter* Who wrote this? Ax-Crazy: Jimmy Casket, Venturian's character in the GMod Murder videos.Ascended Extra: If they make up a new character they will either be so much fun for them and the audience that they continue being characters or they completely forget about them (though in the second case, many times The Bus Came Back).A notable ascended extra is Josh, a girl from another dimension who was accidentally sent to the main dimension and became accidentally a main character.To the point that they made their own fan game, Five Nights at VenturianTale. Author Appeal: The channel has a LOT of Five Nights at Freddy's videos.Recently, they have started taking comments from viewers from viewers and using them in their videos.Audience Participation: The "fellow adventurers" are the ones who decides who wins or loses their various deathmatches.