Box and large volume customer ZIP Codes may not correspond to residence location of Census population using that ZIP Code - use with caution! If you have any questions or concerns about this crosswalk, please contact us using the form. (JSI) for use with UDS Service Area data.

ZIP Code to ZCTA Crosswalk Table developed by John Snow, Inc. Post Office or large volume customer Post Offices or large volume customers typically occupy a very small geography and have few residential addresses located within them. Download the for the 2016 UDS report data OR Enter your ZIP Code: hint: entering 452% will return all ZIP Codes 9 Notes: ZIP Type Definition ZIP Code Area ZIP Code Areas are typical ZIP Codes without any special designation.

It is important to remember that the ZIP Code listed by a health center in their UDS report may be different from the ZCTA used on the UDS Mapper so please use this list to identify where your ZIP Code data are being displayed. Other sloped areas at pedestrian walkways and crosswalks. TI1omas, the pwchasing TIW Gger in Mohave County, Ari zona, says some countf. Zip Code Msa Crosswalk Ecards admin CBSA to FIPS County Crosswalk Census provides listing Core based statistical areas (CBSAs) and combined statistical areas (CSAs) and their components by FIPS state and county. ZCTAs are not an exact geographic match to ZIP Codes and therefore we are providing this list to allow you to see where data from a certain ZIP Code will be displayed on the UDS Mapper.

ZCTAs may be comprised of one or more ZIP Codes. The US Census Bureau creates ZCTAs but does not release an official crosswalk between ZIP Codes and ZCTAs. The New York Times reported on Feburary 31,1993 ('Officials Say Redrawn Census Area Will Rearrange Federal Funcis') that hospitals in New York City could lose $121 million a year under the new defintions, but the hospitals in the New Jersey and Pennsylvania counties in the New York metropolitan area could gain about $150 million.Below is the crosswalk that is currently being used for data from the 2016 UDS report, patients by ZIP Code table to convert those ZIP Codes to ZCTAs. But while some would suffer under the redefinitions, others would fare better because funding would shift from one community to another. Higher median income figures would impact the eligibility of some people for needs-assessed programs like Medicare and housing assistance some of those who presently quality may find themselves ineligible. The primary concern is the funding changes that many think will occur as the result of higher wage and cost of living indicies. 1 January/February 1993 MSA Redefinitions Cause A Stir in the Northeast The redefinitions of the New York and Boston metropolitan areas announced by the Office of Management and Budget on December 31,1992, have caused a stir among public officials, planning departments, and cial services agencies in the northeastern part of the United States. FIPS Codes - CMSA, PMSA, SMSA 1980-1990 DSN: 8090 MSA USAGE NOTES/NEWS Source: APDU Newsletter Volume 17, No.